Helper's team:
[VF]Frost_ has been removed from helper's team due to high inactivity.
Eye.Kiddo was removed from helper's team due to extended and high inactivity.
Admin's team:
Eye.willHunting was accepted as Trial Administrator some days ago - Congratulations.
[OBR]Slash has resigned from the staff team, we thank him for everything he has done.
[VF]Frost_ has been removed from helper's team due to high inactivity.
Puchas>: !lastseen [VF]Frost_
<iDayZ[4]>: Player [VF]Frost_ was last online in server: 175 hours 40 minutes and 50 seconds ago!
Eye.Kiddo was removed from helper's team due to extended and high inactivity.
Puchas>: !lastseen Eye.Kiddo
<iDayZ[2]>: Player Eye.Kiddo was last online in server: 708 hours 1 minutes and 40 seconds ago!
Admin's team:
Eye.willHunting was accepted as Trial Administrator some days ago - Congratulations.
[OBR]Slash has resigned from the staff team, we thank him for everything he has done.