[OBR]IonuVRS has been accepted into the helper's team. Congratulations.
L3y3nd4 has been accepted into the helper's team. Congratulations.
don.wonsze has been removed due to inactivity.
Llenn has been removed due to inactivity.
L3y3nd4 has been accepted into the helper's team. Congratulations.
don.wonsze has been removed due to inactivity.
<Puchas>: !lastseen don.wonsze
<iDayZ[3]>: Player don.wonsze was last online in server: 125 hours 33 minutes and 50 seconds ago!
Llenn has been removed due to inactivity.
<Puchas>: !lastseen Llenn
<iDayZ[4]>: Player Llenn was last online in server: 115 hours 51 minutes and 31 seconds ago!