01-02-2025, 07:26 PM
Your real first name
Your in-game name: Qazer
Amount donated: 23$
What item/perk did you donate for? Credits 120 for Qazer 120 for DZ1KUS other to vKolosTheBee
PayPal Transaction ID: 9RL136256V099343V
(If you used WesternUnion or MoneyGram PM Die4Peace the transaction ID number)

Your in-game name: Qazer
Amount donated: 23$
What item/perk did you donate for? Credits 120 for Qazer 120 for DZ1KUS other to vKolosTheBee
PayPal Transaction ID: 9RL136256V099343V
(If you used WesternUnion or MoneyGram PM Die4Peace the transaction ID number)